
Green Cleaning

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Our Green Cleaning program is a commitment to the principles of sustainability, conservation of natural resources and protection of the well being of our employees and our tenants.

Caring for the future

Green Cleaning is a holistic view of cleaning that involves using non-toxic chemicals, well designed tools, a concern for the environment and indoor air quality, and an equal concern for the people that occupy the building.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED, guidelines are also considered when we carrying out our services and we can assist in acquiring the LEED certificate. Specifically, cleaning and maintenance activities  can contribute points toward getting the certification for our clients from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

Making an Impact Across the Globe

We recognize that your facility’s environment matters as much as our global environment. Whenever possible we use Green Cleaning Products and equipment. And we pride ourselves on our compliance with a wide variety of Environmental Standards Programs & Certifications.

The cleaning and maintenance procedures and products we use at your facility will be custom tailored to your specific needs. We will be happy to discuss how we can comply with any or all of the programs.

Janitorial Cleaning

You may not give it all that much thought, but the truth is that maintaining cleanliness in your work environment is crucial to your productivity.

Especially in a corporate setting, it is simply a must that you make sure the work areas are kept clean at all times. Not only does it help maintain hygiene in the workplace, but also helps keep people become more efficient with work.